Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Noah's First Christmas-Part 2

Christmas was definitely different this year, and our focus was no longer on Jeremy and I, but on Noah. It was so much fun and we had a blast watching him scrunch the paper, crawl through everything, and play with his new things. It was so much fun to watch our families enjoy Noah as well.
Jeremy comes from a large family and Noah is the 5th grandson to be born into the Sexton clan. Needless to say, Mamme and Pappe's house is a little rowdy when everyone is there together. It was so much fun and we enjoyed watching Noah keep up with all the boys!!

We celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in NC. For the first time ever in my life, I saw a white Christmas!! It was wonderful and absolutely beautiful to watch the snow fall on Christmas Day. We decided we had to get some pictures to document this once in a lifetime occasion.

Noah's First Christmas-Part 1

I am so behind on blogging and lots of pictures to catch up on posting. We had a great first Christmas with Noah. We celebrated with Jeremy's family the weekend before Christmas and then headed down the mountain to spend the week with my family. We had so much fun. We took Noah to see Santa and yes, like always when he meets new people, he gave Santa the stare down. I think Santa was even intimidated. Everyone in line thought for sure he would begin crying once we sat Noah on Santa's lap, but we new better. The stare down would begin. As soon as Noah sat down on his lap, he put his arm out (we have to always make sure Santa is not in our personal space..haha) and Noah sat and stared in amazement at this new friend. Everyone in line starting laughing, including us.
Later that week we went to the Billy Graham library in Charlotte. After sitting in over an hour of traffic we finally made it in the gate. We enjoyed some apple cider, touring the library, Billy Graham's home, and the live nativity scene. It was beautiful!! Throughout the week we did some shopping, enjoyed great food and spent wonderful time with family and friends.